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Kaipatiki Kahui Ako

Kaipatiki Kahui Ako

The Kaipatiki Kahui Ako consists of six primary schools, a special school, one intermediate school and one secondary school. Three state kindergartens are also involved.

Glenfield Primary School is a proud member of the Kaipatiki Kahui Ako. Our purpose is to work collaboratively, strengthening pathways for our students throughout their educational journey. Our vision is to create a community of inquiry that promotes student progress, wellbeing and lifelong learning.

We have identified three Progress Aspirations for our Kahui Ako. The strategies we adopt in response to our aspirations address our purpose and will enable our learners to succeed in their chosen pathways.

  1. Pedagogy – a focus on learner agency – Mana akonga
  2. Wellbeing – Hauora
  3. Family, whanau and community partnerships – Whakawhanaungatanga

We have robust data with which to measure progress in each of our aspirations, all of which are directly related to the requirements of the New Zealand Curriculum and embrace every sector in our Kahui Ako.

  • Pedagogy (Learner Agency – Mana akonga)

Learner agency is a key aspect of the pedagogy across our Kahui Ako. Learner agency is defined as being active (capable, confident and self-directed) in the learning process. An agentic environment and culture is promoted by valuing student voice and needs, as well as increasing motivation and engagement of the learners through authentic and relevant opportunities and experiences.

  • Wellbeing – Hauora

Wellbeing is fundamental to all activities in our schools and early childhood services and central to the vision, values and principles of the New Zealand Curriculum and Te Whariki. Wellbeing is complex and individualised, it is essential that all individuals feel a sense of belonging and are equipped to feel good and function well most of the time.

Our vision is that every school community is supported in developing a range of tools and strategies to help individuals feel safe, connected, valued and resilient.

  • Family, Whanau and Community Partnerships –  Whakawhanaungatanga

Community engagement is one of the eight principles in the NZ Curriculum that provides a foundation for schools’ decision making. Community engagement is about establishing strong home-school partnerships where parent, whanau, and communities are involved and supported in students’ learning.

At Glenfield Primary we have two Kaipatiki Kahui Ako In School Leaders. They are:

Scott Hillman who has responsibility for pedagogy.

Donovan Smith who has responsibility for wellbeing.


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