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GPS approach to ESOL learners


Students who are potentially eligible for ESOL funding and support are identified at enrolment and an additional ELL enrolment form is completed. These students may be;

  • Migrant students who have arrived in NZ and have not yet received 20 terms of ESOL funding
  • NZ born students with at least one migrant parent whose first language is not English
  • Refugee status students

Initial and ongoing assessment

All ELL students are assessed by the ESOL teacher during their first two weeks at school. After the initial assessment the data is entered onto eTAP along with the ESOL funded status, ‘apply.’ This will be changed to ‘yes’ when they receive funding, ‘no’ if they do not qualify, ‘NLQ’ for any child who receives funding but no longer qualifies and ‘Int’ if the child is an International student. A copy of the initial assessment is shared with the child’s classroom teacher. All funded or potentially funded ESOL students are assessed by the classroom teacher twice per year, at the end of term 2 and term 4 using ELLP matrices. Students participate in ongoing school wide assessment where appropriate. ELLP assessments are entered digitally through eTAP. All other assessments (e.g. reading, writing, maths progressions) are kept in student portfolios and passed on to the next teacher at the end of each school year.

English Language Learning Progressions (ELLP)

At GPS assessment is continuous and ongoing but the ELLP documents are updated twice per year in June and November. All ELL students have a digital ELLP record on eTAP. These matrices are used to assess, track and plan for ELL students. Indicators are highlighted when the student achieves the indicator consistently and independently. All indicators in the level need to be achieved before that level is recorded as the achieved level. For example, a student may be working in level 1 with some level 1 indicators highlighted but foundation level is the level they have achieved and that is recorded on the assessment summary.

GPS document to support teachers to complete the ELLP matrices: Completing ELLPs 

ESOL programme

There is one ESOL coordinator who oversees the ESOL programme. Three classroom teachers have completed or are studying their Graduate Diplomas in TESSOL.

ELL students are supported in mainstream classes through the delivery of a scaffolded, targeted teaching programme to meet their individual needs. The teaching focus is based on information from the ELLP matrix in all 4 components of English, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Each class receives between 30 – 60 minutes per day of in class support from a teacher aide who will work with any ELL students in that class. ELL students with little or no English are withdrawn from classes for 30 minutes three times per week, where they will receive additional language learning support in a small group setting.

Classroom teachers will receive support in using ESOL strategies from the TESSOL trained teachers in the school and will attend twice termly ESOL PLGs to sustain ESOL PD.

Valuing first language and culture

Staff will understand the importance of first language and culture. Students will be able to use first language where appropriate, within the school environment. ELL students will not be seen in a deficit model for not having English as their first language. They will be valued as a rich resource of their own knowledge and culture.

Students will be supported to understand NZ cultural background e.g.Waitangi Day, Anzac Day, Matariki. Classroom teachers will be supported to pre-teach key vocabulary and concepts in classroom inquiries.

Bilingual Support

Building bilingualism is important at GPS. Where possible, students are provided with resources in their first language. They also have access to digital translators.

Click on this link for further information: Bilingual Education at Glenfield Primary School

Students and families are encouraged to speak and to continue to use their first language. Students are buddied with other students who speak their language when they arrive, where possible. In class, students will have the opportunity to use first language where appropriate.

Resources available to teachers to use for planning for effective learning for ESOL students include;

TKI ESOL online website:


ELIP: Link to ELIPs

ELLP Pathways Y1 – Y8: Link to ELLP Pathways

ELLP Student agency record: Link to ELLP student agency record

The Oral Language Book by Sheena Cameron and Louise Dempsey

ESOL funding

Application for ESOL funding for students who qualify will take place twice a year, on 1st March and 1st August. This process will be conducted by the ESOL coordinator and the ELLP matrices will be used to assess progress and each individual child’s eligibility for funding.


Eligible Score

Not eligible Score

Years 1-2


7 or above

Years 3-4


9 or above

Years 5-6


11 or above

Official assessments mid-year and end of year,  following the Ministry guidelines in listening, speaking, reading and writing, will be done by the classroom teacher with the assistance of the ESOL teacher. These assessments will be completed digitally on the ELLP Record of Progress forms and these will be available to the Ministry verifiers if required. Teachers will be able to support their assessments with appropriate data.


Arabic Arabic Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Simplified) Dutch Dutch English English French French German German Italian Italian Japanese Japanese Korean Korean Maori Maori Portuguese Portuguese Russian Russian Samoan Samoan Spanish Spanish Thai Thai Vietnamese Vietnamese